Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls and Douglas Firs as support were the previous peak of the open air season – even though the concert was moved to Beueler Brückenforum shortly. That was perhaps quite good – because the band was able to turn the volume properly. A wonderful evening!
What a support act! Sorry if I have to admit that I’ve never heard of Douglas Firs before. Thank you „Ernest“ Hartz! I discovered a video of Noel Gallagher, where he ist quite impressed an says: „I like this instantly.“ Belgian singer Gertjan Van Hellemont sounds as an indie folk rock band from the US West Coast, somewhat akin to Angus & Julia Stone maybe .. There is a whispering melancholy in the noble moods of this deep into the heart hitting music that can let go no more. I have certainly bought me two albums. That says something, right ?
It will probably be familiar to many fans that Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls go in another direction. Nevertheless, even Turner, this jumping, guitar playing and singing rubber ball, has an enthusiastic side. The Englishman musically moves in the polygon between The Pogues, Stone Temple Pilots, Bruce Springsteen, Chuck Ragan and Dashboard Confessional. Get the picture?
Passion is his motto, euphoric melodies the fundamental substance, and because this is so, the fantastic audience has been singing the opening song „I Still Believe“, a kind of commitment to Rock ’n‘ Roll. Exuberant it continues with the song „The Next Storm“. The punk-folk songs always remain within the hymnic.
Turner’s lifeblood musician, and you can feel it in every note. „Rough“ should sound his songs, he once said. Probably he meant „authentic“. „England Keep My Bones“ is such a strong album from which he plays several songs, including, next to the opener, „Redemption“ as a solo performance, and especially „I Am Disappeared“ is a goosebumps insert, a song made for a soundtrack. Despite his pop affinity Turner proves that his lyrics are quite of depth.
Yet the „Pub“ side is not neglected. Songs for singing along, dancing and jumping. And then there is also a game, a contest in which one guy is worn across the heads of the audience through the hall and must reach individual stations. Pure fun!
„Recover,“ says Turner, is a piece for a “Hampelmann“, and the mass moves up and down just like a wave. „The Road“ is a kind of biographical explanation of his restlessness. „Losing Days“ a good-humored piece of pop music about the low points of life. And before he starts to sing „Polaroid Pictures“ with the input line „Man, we used to be brothers“, he sure makes a little political statement. At least one comment on the proposed referendum of the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union: „Oh man, Politics Sucks and I’m just so tired of it,“ he says. „I love to travel through Europe.“
Two hours of music with passion. You just cannot ask for more!