Nachdem am Freitag das neue Album „Below“angekündigt wurde, geben BEARTOOTH heute ihr UK/Europa Tourdaten bekannt!
Hier die termine für Deutschland:
08.02.2022 – München, Zenith
09.02.2022 – Stuttgart, Porsche Arena
11.02.2022 – Hamburg, Sporthalle
12.02.2022 – Köln, Palladium
23.02.2022 – Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle
25.02.2022 – Berlin, Columbiahalle
26.02.2022 – Leipzig, Haus Auensee
Tickets gibt es ab Mittwoch, den 31. März 2021, 10 Uhr im exklusiven Eventim Pre-Sale. Ab Freitag, den 02. April 2021, 10 Uhr gibt es die Karten dann überall im allgemeinen Vorverkauf.

Beartooth werden auf dieser Tour von Motionless In White und Stray From The Path begleitet. Frontmann Caleb Shomo sagte über die Shows: : “I’ve never been more excited for a tour in my life. This is my favourite album I’ve ever made and getting to headline these rooms and put on the full show with no limits is a dream come true. The line-up is stacked. It’s gonna be one of the craziest shows of my life every single night.”
Chris von Motionless In White ergänzt: “If there was ever a proper return to touring after such a long hiatus, it is definitely THIS tour. After what will be two years since our U.S. tour with Beartooth, we couldn’t be more excited to join them again for The Below Tour, in February 2022. It feels like forever since we have seen our beloved U.K. and European fans, and we know this tour is going to be the most glorious return to you possible!“
“It’s been a difficult time for everyone in the world. The fact that this tour and everyone involved are moving forward is a step in the right direction. We are so thankful to Beartooth & Motionless in white for giving us this opportunity. Stray from the Path Worldwide…are you ready?” Drew von Stray From The Path über die anstehende Tour.
Alle Tourdates gibt es hier.