Ron Carter sagt Konzert in der Philharmonie Köln ab

Ron Carter: FOTO: Walter Schnabel

Die beiden Konzerte von Ron Carter und seinem Foursight Quartet in Hamburg (14.11., Laeiszhalle) und Köln (16.11., Philharmonie) müssen aufgrund einer Rückenoperation des Künstlers ausfallen. Carter schrieb auf seiner Facebookseite:

„Unfortunately my doctors have told me that it is best that I postpone the Autumn 2022 European Tour, to allow for healing. I will be doing exactly as the doctors instruct me to do … and care for myself so that I can continue to find those rights notes!

Stay tuned for 2023 announcements by checking in and getting the emails from me from … first announcements go there.

Thank you for your outpouring of love and care and rest assured I am taking good care of myself and expect a full recovery soon!

Much love and stay safe,

Deepest Regards,


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